Everything you need to know about the TSI

Let’s talk, Texas Success Initiative (TSI)! We are going to break down everything you need to know about what it is, how to take it, and why it is important in this blog! Good news is, if you are asking questions about the TSI, you are one step closer to college enrollment! YAY! 

What’s the Texas Success Initiative?

Tarleton State University ring sculpture with text about the TSI test.

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is required for all students who haven’t met college readiness standards. It allows students to be placed in specific courses that focus on helping them through their freshman college courses and prep them for future college courses. Students are able to qualify for exemptions by subject area in a number of ways, including meeting college readiness benchmarks on the SAT® or ACT® , or successfully completing a high school College Preparatory Course. For a complete list of exemptions please see below! 

**At Tarleton we are only able to accept the Texas College Bridge college prep course. If you have completed this, please send your official certificate of completion to our office. You can request your completed certificate through Greenlight. For more information on Texas College Bridge, visit here.

Completing your TSI Assessment:

Ask yourself a few questions:

Have you taken or are you taking Dual Enrollment classes (college credit)?

Have you taken the TSI before?

Do you need to take the TSI for the first time?

Could I be exempt?

1. If you are taking Dual Enrollment classes as a high school student, you could be exempt from the TSI.

Important Tip: We cannot exempt you from the TSI if we do not have your college transcript showing you completed the class with a passing grade!

2. If you have taken the TSI before, great news! We have a TSI Release form on our website that allows us to download your scores!

The most important step! You must complete the TSI Release Form so we can receive your scores and remove your hold!

This is our most commonly missed step! We can download these scores within 24 hours!

After you fill this out you do not have to do anything!

3. If you need to take the TSI, many places offer the TSI! Talk with your high school counselor and check to see if your high school or a surrounding community college or university is giving the test.

You can test at one of Tarleton’s testing centers. We have one in Stephenville and Fort Worth. To sign up to take the TSI on campus or virtually proctored, please click below!

4. Please reach out to admissions@tarleton.edu or check your email to find out what areas we need you to test in, reading, writing, math.



What is a TSI score?

 The TSI is a placement exam that measures college readiness in reading, writing, and math. The scores are used for college placement purposes.

Where would I take the TSI?

The TSI can be taken at any testing center, community college, university, high school, our testing center, or virtually through our testing center. The following link will walk you through the process of scheduling your TSI exam through our testing center:


Is there a deadline?

TSI assessment results and/or proof of exemption must be submitted before a student start their classes.

We recommend students to submit their scores before they attend Texan Orientation.

What do we have to send for dual credit exemption?

Your official college transcript showing that you completed the class with a passing grade.

How can I be exempt?

 You can be exempt by:

·         Meeting or exceeding performance levels on the SAT, ACT, TAKS or STAAR.

·         Having an associate or baccalaureate degree.

·         Qualifying transfer coursework from an out-of-state or private institution.

·         Qualifying transfer coursework from a Texas public institution.

·         Military exemptions and waivers.

·         Completion of the Texas College Bridge Program.

·         Meeting or exceeding performance levels on CLEP/AP exams.

·         Completion of a General Education Diploma (GED).

The following link will provide more information on TSI exemptions and performance levels: https://www.tarleton.edu/admissions/tsi-resources/

What is a passing TSI Score?

In order for students to enroll in college level courses, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board established the following minimum placement scores for each of the TSI sections:

Writing340 and an essay score of 4 (if less than a 340 is scored, an essay score of 5 and an ABE Diagnostic level of 4)

Effective January 11, 2021: Reading and Writing objectives are combined into one exam, English Language Arts Reading (ELAR).

English Language Arts Reading (ELAR)945 5
English Language Arts Reading (ELAR)>94555

What does it mean that I don’t have to pass the TSI to be cleared?

The TSI is a placement exam, so if you do not meet the minimum placement score in one or more parts of the TSI, you can still attend Tarleton’s main campus in Stephenville, you will just be enrolled in a college prep course before taking your required degree courses.

What ACT/SAT/STAAR is considered exempt?

To satisfy the TSI requirement with SAT, ACT, or STAAR exams, the following minimum scores are required:

ACT (pre-February 15, 2023)Math 19 and Composite 23English 19 and Composite 23English 19 and Composite 23
ACT (February 15, 2023-present)Math 22Combined 40 English and ReadingCombined 40 English and Reading
SAT (pre-2016)Math 500 and Combined 1070Combined 1070 and Verbal 500Combined 1070 and Verbal 500
SAT (2016-present)Math 530Evidence Based 480Evidence Based 480
STAARAlgebra II 4000English III 2000English III 2000

Do I need to do anything after I fill out the release form?

The information on the release form must match the information you entered when you took your exam, otherwise, we will not be able to access your score report so make sure all of the information is entered correctly and then submit the form. You will be responsible for making sure that we received your scores and posted them to your file.

Do my scores even matter?

Yes, the TSI scores are a valuable tool to help us accurately place you in Math and/or English/Reading classes to ensure you have the level of support you need to be successful.

How many times can I take an individual section of the TSI exam?

Students can take any individual subject/section of the TSI exam as many times as they want to, and have their University record updated.

Do I need to retest if I do not pass my TSI?

If you are attending Tarleton’s main campus in Stephenville do not have to retest if you do not want to. You may benefit from taking a college prep course prior to the required course.  

I am exempt in one area but need to test in other areas, what do I do?

You can sign up to take the TSI is whatever area you need to test in. If you are exempt in reading and writing, you would simply sign up to only test in the math area. If you are unsure what areas you need to test in, please email admissions@tarleton.edu! We also encourage you to check your email, we will send you a detailed email regarding what areas of the TSI you need to test in.

What if I went through the Texas College Bridge Program?

That is great news! We will accept this college prep course for exemption. Please request the certificate through Greenlight and send the certificate to our admissions office! For more information on the College Bridge Program please visit here.

What if I still have questions about the TSI?

Please do not worry! We are here to help! Please find your admissions counselor here. They can help walk you through this process!

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